Someone said writers should set a goal, so I did. I know a lot of people do more, but since I work part time and do volunteer work, I set a goal of 4000 words a week. This is with almost 25,000 words already done. If I write 75-80 thousand words, I should be done around February-March and ready for editing. I am hoping I can have Where the River Goes done by spring.
I am happy to say that this week I exceeded my goal. I wrote 4,860 words in four days. YAY! This is my first attempt at writing a suspense, and I'm a little apprehensive. I've done some layering to build suspense, and I'm anxious to finish so my beta readers can give me some feedback.
I'm wondering if any of my readers would like to read a sample chapter. Please let me know in the comments if you would like that. I would love to have feedback from other writers. What do you think, peeps?